The Deadlift

The bar must move upwards in one continuous motion.

Gloves or lifting straps may not be worn. Wrist wraps may be worn, but they may not touch the bar during the lift.

A hook grip or "hooking" is permitted during the deadlift. Hooking is covering the last joint of the thumb with the other fingers of the same hand while gripping the bar.

"Hitching" or jerking the bar up the thighs is not allowed.

The lifter's feet must remain stationary throughout the lift.

The intentional release of the bar from above the knees may be interpreted as equipment abuse and could result in immediate ejection from the meet.

The lifter may begin the lift after assuming their position facing the front of the platform with the bar on the platform in front of them upon hearing the "BAR READY" command and the Head Judge giving the "LIFT" signal by raising their hand.

Any raising of the bar of any deliberate attempt to do so will cound as an attempt.

Judges look for the lifter to be standing completely erect, shoulders back, chest out, and knees locked but not hyper-extended at the completion of the lift.

The lifter may not lower the weight at the completion of the lift until the Head Judge gives the "DOWN" command by lowering their hand.

The bar must remain in the lifter control during the descent. Any dropping or throwing the bar down will result in a "BAD/NO LIFT" call.


Nevada Barbell Club

Phone 849-1613


The Snatch

  [Snatch - Elwood Bluzinskovich]