Nevada Barbell Club offers an after school program that provides students with an opportunity to develop physically, mentally and emotionally. There is no cost to the student or to the school.

We believe that successful athletic programs nurture and foster good citizens and develop self-confidence. We offer youth the opportunity to participate in a sport where they can build and maintain physical fitness, regardless of ability.

Both young men and young women train in the sport of Olympic Weightlifting. Some train to develop the skills to compete in the sport, others train to improve their physical abilities for other sports. No matter the reason, this is a sport that welcomes future athletes of all shapes and sizes. Our goal is to provide the opportunity for the student to improve their abilities without any fear of being cut from the team.

Olympic Weightlifting is the sport where a barbell is lifted from the floor to arms length overhead. The two events work the whole body. Olympic weightlifting assistance exercises are used by most football teams. The squat and power clean, when taught properly, develop the power needed to compete in sports.

The student will learn athletic skills, be a part of a team, make new friends, get lots of exercise and will have fun. The student will develop a positive self-image that will help them through life. Most importantly the student will learn correct technique, reducing the potential for injury.

The Snatch

  [Snatch - Elwood Bluzinskovich]


The Clean

and Jerk

  [Clean and Jerk - Elwood Bluzinskovich]



